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Below is a comprehensive list of information you may find useful in advance of booking in and before coming to your appointment.


Please include as much info as possible in your initial email, to avoid numerous back and forth messages - this includes:
~ A detailed explanation of your idea (along with any reference/inspiration images)
~ Approximate size and placement of tattoo
~ Whether you have been tattooed before or if it will be your first
~ Any days/dates that suit best for your appointment

Please note I do not like to copy other artists’ designs - I am happy to use inspiration/references but please don’t ask me to copy a design exactly.

You must be over 18 years old and be able to prove it to get tattooed, so please make sure you can provide valid ID (passport or driving license) on the day of your appointment if we ask for it!

A deposit is required to cover any design-work/reserve a design, which also serves to save your appointment. This is payable by bank transfer, and is usually £50-£100, depending on the size of project. This of course comes off the final cost of your tattoo.

If you cancel with less than 48hrs or miss your appointment your deposit may be forfeit.

Deposits are non-refundable.

Once receiving your deposit I will begin drafting up your design. Please note however, that designs will rarely be sent out more than a week before your appointment (you will usually receive it a few days in advance). This is to allow me to effectively manage my workload for the week ahead, so please be patient!

If you require any changes to your design please let me know and I’ll be happy to assist, however please note that designs can take multiple hours to draw up, so repeated requests for large overhauls to a design may add to the final cost.

I try to provide accurate price quotes for my tattoos, however each one depends on the specifics of a design, as well as exact size & placement. If you would like to know the exact cost of your tattoo in advance, please be as specific as possible in your description to help me price it up for you.

I always try to respond to messages as quickly as possible, however I tattoo 4/5 days each week, as well as drawing up designs and replying to emails in my spare time, so please be patient when waiting for a response.



If you feel unwell in the lead up to your appointment PLEASE DO NOT COME IN. Let me know as soon as possible and I will happily rearrange another date with you.

Please do not consume drugs or excess alcohol the night before your appointment. Turning up to your appointment hungover, under the influence of drugs or having taken drugs the night before will most likely mean I cannot tattoo you, in which case you will lose your deposit.

If you regularly take blood-thinning medication please let me know in advance of your appointment.

Moisturising the area to be tattooed and drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your appointment will help ensure your skin is well hydrated and in good condition, giving the best possible working space and thus the best possible tattoo!

Conversely, please avoid using fake tan on the tattoo area in the days leading up to your appointment.

Unless the area being tattooed is especially hairy, please don’t shave the area yourself before coming in, we will do this before starting the tattoo.

If you have any skin conditions (eg psoriasis, eczema etc) affecting the area being tattooed please let me know as soon as possible (ideally at the beginning of the booking process). Tattooing affected areas is never a good idea, and it's always better to wait for a time when the skin is in a healthy state - if you turn up for your appointment and I can't tattoo the skin because of a previously unmentioned condition, you will be turned away until the skin has healed and your deposit may also be forfeit.

I generally don’t recommend using numbing cream, as in some cases this can affect the tattooing process - however if you are very concerned about the pain I generally recommend using TKTX brand (or let me know in advance about your chosen brand). For TKTX apply liberally an hour before coming to your appointment, wrap in clingfilm and wear to the studio.


Make sure to eat properly before coming to your appointment - the tattooing procedure can be very draining, especially for long sessions.

Please come alone to your appointment - unfortunately we are currently unable to accommodate any additional people in the studio. For any couples/groups getting tattooed on the same day, unfortunately we can only let you in one at a time for the time being.

Please wear clothing that will allow access to the area being tattooed - if you are unsure of what to wear feel free to let me know and I will advise (we have space to change if necessary)

Whilst I make every effort to avoid getting ink on clothing, I cannot make guarantees, so please don’t wear anything precious or valuable.


You must be 18 years or older to get tattooed. Please be prepared to show I.D if asked (ie driving license or passport) - if we ask for it and you cannot provide it we cannot tattoo you, and your deposit will be forfeit!

Feel free to bring a book or earphones to occupy yourself during your appointment - I am always happy to chat and we generally have music playing however I will not be offended if you want to zone out and entertain yourself, especially for long sessions!

For tattoos on areas that require exposing delicate areas of the body (eg top of thigh, sternum, chest etc) we have private rooms available.

When you come in we will print out your design and measure it against your skin & make any adjustments, to get the size exactly how you want it.

We can accept payment on the day by either cash or bank transfer. If you would like to know how much to bring in advance feel free to ask.

If you have any further questions please let me know and we look forward to seeing you at your appointment!

Booking Info: Bio
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